Monday, June 22, 2009

Live at Cider Haus: Death Domain, Femme Covert, Cream Center 06.21.09

Upon walking into the Cider Haus in Baltimore, we were greeted by the always friendly Josh and Jane of Abiku . They directed us to check out the kitchen for some vegan BBQ. We each grabbed a plate and ,based on the odd "tofu" texture, decides that it was, in fact, BBQ human. That didn't, however, deter me from devouring my hearty plateful of the mystery "meat".
First up for the evening's entertainment was Death Domain consisting of only Adam from Atlanta's Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, a few vintage synths, an incredibly unique and vertical turntable and not much else. Death Domain sounds like a fantasy collaboration with Joy Division frontman Ian Curtis somewhat angrily singing for electro-punk pioneer Daniel Miller aka The Normal. After plowing through an exuberant and, in true SIDS fashion, deadpan set of pulsating electro-melodies, the creepy vibe had fully saturated the environment.
The dark atmosphere set by Death Domain was swiftly contrasted by the carefree and, to a point, endearing nature of the next act, Cream Center. A disclaimer about the necessity of touching and togetherness was followed by a screaming barrage of Dungeons and Dragons addled insanity. Equipped with only an Ipod Shuffle and no mics, the two screamers (one looking like a geeky, white counterpart to Sho Nuff and the other, a modern day Samwise Gangee) abandoned regard for personal boundries. Slaying dragons, ogres and preconcieved notions over a soundtrack fit for epic, 16-bit battles, Cream Center loosened the intimate crowd for the nights final performers.

Femme Covert, a few hours late due to post-Fathers Day traffic, took the stage in the red luminated basement of the Cider Haus around 1am. The North Carolina natives hammered their way through a brash and irreverent clusterfuck of digi-log ditties lasting, easily, three times longer than any time I had watched them before. That said, the fifteen minute set was a perfect closing to the night eccentricities. The only downside was that the vocal spasms of the always entertaining David Lee were barely audible over the synth-punk mayhem. Thanks to Josh and Jane for making this previously canceled show a possibility and, as always, the hospitality we've come to expect at a Cider Haus basement show.

Cider Haus

Exotic Collectorama

Riding through Alexandria's Del Ray district, my girlfriend and I stumbled across a total gem, Exotic Plantarium/Card & Comic Collectorama. Inside we found a world consisting of years of collecting. Comics everywhere ranging from '60's childrens comics to loads of '80's and '90's horror comics (noteably, Re-Animator issue #1 and other HP Lovecraft related swag). Sports cards and collectables dominated the display cases and the front right quarter of the store. This is where I scored a 1983 Rickey Henderson Topps All-Star card for 60 cents.
I also found an original A Nightmare on Elm Street promotional pin for $1.79.

The front, left quarter of the shop was the Exotic Plantarium. Scores of small, semi-exotic plants such as the Venus Fly Trap and various Cacti. Tyce, my girlfriend, found this little treasure for under three bucks.
The eccentric owner of the Colectorama is a very awkwardly nice man. Any question we had, he was more than pleased to answer and quick to make other helpful suggestions. All plant inquiries were followed with off the mind care instructions. The guy is extremely passionate about his merchandise and wants shoppers to enjoy these treasures as much as he obviously has himself. Paying turned almost comical (no pun intended) when he explained that payment via credit card would certainly take him a few minutes, at least. He was also hard pressed to provide change for a $50 bill and suggested we buy more to ease the burden. We will certainly return to the store, located at 2008 Mount Vernon Ave. in Alexandria, VA. and suggest you stop by yourself if you are ever in the Del Ray area. BIG UPS!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Mr. Fuji ridin' clean!

This is my new 1973 Fuji Special Road Racer. I have named it Mr. Fuji, in honor of the former WWF manager of the same name. I plan on converting it to a fixed gear in the near future. As the cool kids say, "if it ain't fixed, it's broke." Well, being that I am now broke, it ain't fixed. It will, however, get me around town for the meantime. Maybe I'll even paint Mr. Fuji black, as it seems more fitting. This will be my first bike project, i expect to learn much. Holla' when you see me ridin'.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Who am I?

NAME: Chad Waylon Pouncy
AGE: 29
SEX: Male
FORMER HOME: The Crackhouse in Atlanta, GA
FORMER BANDS: Club of Rome, Devil Worshiper, Recapitator, Anthem, Tragedies
OCCUPATION: Unemployed

Welcome to Loose Dirt

This is the first blog posting for Loose Dirt, a blog covering music, movies, sports, politics, religion and anything else I feel like covering. My name is Chad Waylon Pouncy. I'm coming to you from my new home in the DC area by way of Atlanta. Get ready for endless banter on various topics as I will share my experiences and opinions. If this blog makes you laugh, informs you, offends you, upsets you or moves you, good, I am doing my job. Thank you and feel free to share your thoughts and questions. Let's get loose!